Did you know that?

  1. AHEPA stands for “American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association”.
  2. AHEPA is a fraternity, non-partisan, non-political, and non-sectarian.
  3. AHEPA was founded July 26, 1922, in Atlanta, GA. The Mother Lodge members were: Harry & John Angelopoulos; George Campbell; James Campbell; Nicholas Chotas; George Polos; Spiros Stamos and James Vlass.
  4. AHEPA’s jurisdiction extends to each of the 50 states, and the districts, territories, islands and possessions of the United States, including seven Canadian provinces, the Bahamas, Greece, Cyprus, Europe and Australia.
  5. AHEPA has initiated more than 300,000 members. Including the AHEPA Auxiliaries, the “AHEPA Family” active membership is over 30,000.
  6. AHEPA’s national headquarters are located at 1909 Q Street NW, Suite 500, Washington DC 20009 and operated by a paid staff of five full time emloyees.
  7. AHEPA’s membership is open to any male person of good moral character over 18 years of age, who has declared his intention to become a citizen, and who is able to read, write, or speak the English language.
  8. AHEPA has non-Hellenic members, Judges, Mayors, Congressmen, Senators, Governors, and other prominent non-Hellenic citizens belong to AHEPA. Former President Roosevelt and Truman were active Ahepans as were many members of Congress.
  9. AHEPA’s maintains a national, AHEPA magazine, “The Ahepan” it is the official organ of the Order.


AHEPA Chapter A611 – Lucas Miltiades Miller – Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz e.v.

Dr. Aris Kounis
E-Mail: aris.kounis@ahepa-a611.org

Georgios Laios
E-Mail: georgios.laios@ahepa-a611.org