Did you know that?
- AHEPA stands for “American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association”.
- AHEPA is a fraternity, non-partisan, non-political, and non-sectarian.
- AHEPA was founded July 26, 1922, in Atlanta, GA. The Mother Lodge members were: Harry & John Angelopoulos; George Campbell; James Campbell; Nicholas Chotas; George Polos; Spiros Stamos and James Vlass.
- AHEPA’s jurisdiction extends to each of the 50 states, and the districts, territories, islands and possessions of the United States, including seven Canadian provinces, the Bahamas, Greece, Cyprus, Europe and Australia.
- AHEPA has initiated more than 300,000 members. Including the AHEPA Auxiliaries, the “AHEPA Family” active membership is over 30,000.
- AHEPA’s national headquarters are located at 1909 Q Street NW, Suite 500, Washington DC 20009 and operated by a paid staff of five full time emloyees.
- AHEPA’s membership is open to any male person of good moral character over 18 years of age, who has declared his intention to become a citizen, and who is able to read, write, or speak the English language.
- AHEPA has non-Hellenic members, Judges, Mayors, Congressmen, Senators, Governors, and other prominent non-Hellenic citizens belong to AHEPA. Former President Roosevelt and Truman were active Ahepans as were many members of Congress.
- AHEPA’s maintains a national, AHEPA magazine, “The Ahepan” it is the official organ of the Order.